A Guide to Lorry Weighbridge Maintenance and Fixing Inaccuracy

Accurate weight measurement is critical in numerous industries. Lorry weighbridges, also known as truck weighbridges, are essential for ensuring the precise weight of incoming and outgoing goods transported by trucks. However, even the most sophisticated weighbridge can develop inaccuracies over time due to wear and tear, environmental factors, or poor maintenance. This can result in costly consequences, such as fines for exceeding weight limits or incorrect product pricing. As a professional weighbridge manufacturing company, we’ll go over essential maintenance practices to keep your weighbridge running smoothly and consistently, ensuring accurate weight measurements. We will also provide a troubleshooting guide to assist you in identifying and addressing potential causes of inaccurate readings, allowing you to quickly restore your weighbridge to full functionality.

30 ton weighbridge

Lorry Weighbridge Maintenance

Routine Calibration:

  • Frequency: Calibration is required regularly to ensure that your lorry weighbridge remains accurate. The recommended frequency varies depending on usage, industry regulations, and manufacturer specifications. It typically ranges from monthly for high-traffic applications to once a year for low-volume applications.
  • Certified Weights: Calibration entails using a set of certified weights with known masses to verify the weighbridge’s readings over its entire weighing range. These weights must be traceable to national standards and certified by a recognized organization.
  • Trained Technicians: The calibration process should be carried out by qualified and trained technicians who understand the lorry weighbridge model and have the necessary expertise. This ensures that the proper weight is placed, data is collected, and results are interpreted correctly.

Component Inspection:

  • Load Cells: These form the heart of the weighbridge, converting weight into an electrical signal. Inspect the load cell body, cables, and mounting points regularly for wear, corrosion, or damage. Pay attention to any loose connections or cracks.
  • Junction Boxes: These provide electrical connections for load cells and transmit signals to the indicator. Inspect the junction box for moisture, loose wires, or corrosion.
  • Indicator System: The indicator displays the weight readings obtained from the load cells. Check that the display, buttons, and any printing mechanisms work properly. Check for any errors or unusual readings.

Cleaning and Lubrication:

  • Importance of Cleanliness: Debris such as dirt, stones, and snow can accumulate on the lorry weighbridge platform, affecting weight distribution and accuracy. Regularly remove debris with brooms, shovels, or compressed air.
  • Lubrication: Lubrication of moving parts, such as weighbridge bearings and linkages, is required regularly to reduce friction and ensure smooth operation. Use lubricants recommended by the weighbridge manufacturer and adhere to the lubrication schedule.

Environmental Considerations:

  • Temperature: Extreme temperatures can impair the performance of load cells and indicator systems. Inaccuracies can occur when temperatures fluctuate rapidly. Consider shelters or climate control systems for weighbridges in harsh environments.
  • Moisture: Moisture ingress into load cells or junction boxes can cause corrosion and malfunctions. Seal gaps and use weatherproof enclosures to prevent moisture accumulation.
  • Harsh Weather: Wind, rain, and snow can all affect the weighbridge’s stability, resulting in inaccurate readings. Shelters and windshields can help mitigate the effects.

Software Updates and Upgrades:

  • Maintaining Accuracy: Lorry Weighbridge software is essential for collecting, processing, and displaying weight data. Regular software updates fix bugs that can affect accuracy and ensure compatibility with newer hardware.
  • Improved Functionality: Software updates may include new features for data management, reporting, and integration with other systems. These can increase efficiency and simplify weighbridge operations.
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Fixing Weighing Inaccuracy

Troubleshooting Guide:

  • Review Recent Maintenance: Has the weighbridge been recently calibrated? Check to see if calibration is due or if there have been any deviations from the recommended procedures.
  • Component Inspection: Follow the component inspection steps from the previous section (Routine Calibration). Look for signs of damage, wear, or loose connections in load cells, junction boxes, and the indicator system.
  • Environmental Factors: Consider the recent weather conditions. Did the weighing process involve extreme temperatures, moisture, or strong winds?
  • Software Issues: Check to see if there are any error messages on the indicator. Consult the weighbridge manual for steps to troubleshoot software errors.

Load Cell Issues:

  • Symptoms: Sudden changes in weight readings, inconsistent readings across a truck’s axles, or readings that deviate significantly from known weights are all possible indications of load cell issues.
  • Diagnosis: While a trained technician can diagnose specific load cell problems with specialized tools, the troubleshooting steps outlined above can provide preliminary information.
  • Resolution: It is not recommended that you attempt to repair load cells yourself due to their delicate nature. Seek professional assistance from a reputable weighbridge service provider for repairs or replacement. They can ensure that the load cells are properly installed and calibrated for accurate weight measurements.

Other Potential Causes:

  • Overloading: Exceeding the weighbridge’s maximum capacity can damage load cells and cause inaccurate readings. Ensure that trucks stay within the designated weight limit.
  • Uneven Weight Distribution: Uneven weight distribution across the weighbridge platform can result in inaccurate readings. Instruct drivers to properly center the lorry on the platform.
  • External Disturbances: Strong vibrations from nearby equipment or construction activities can interfere with weighbridge readings. External disturbances should be kept to a minimum wherever possible.

Additional Tips:

Maintain a logbook to record weighbridge performance, calibration dates, and maintenance performed. This helps to detect trends and potential problems early on.

Invest in preventative maintenance to reduce downtime and maintain the accuracy and reliability of your weighbridge system.

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Implementing the preventative maintenance strategies and troubleshooting tips outlined in this guide will allow you to take control of the accuracy and performance of your truck weighbridge. Regular maintenance helps to extend the life of your weighbridge system, reduce downtime, and ensure compliance with industry regulations. Accurate weight measurements are not only essential for business efficiency; they also contribute to overall road safety by preventing overloaded vehicles. Bincen is famous in China weighbridge. When dealing with complex repairs or suspected load cell issues, consult us. Our expertise can ensure that your weighbridge continues to provide accurate and reliable weight measurements for years to come.

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